Past Performances


Unbound Ballet Project's premier performance, LIGHT LINES, debuted to sold-out audiences in July of 2017. The contemporary ballet installment was inspired by the unique architectural setting of the piece. Set to modern classical music, the dancers moved in an intimate setting with no physical barriers between audience members and performer. The choreography paid tribute to the artistic beauty of the space and the human form, and integrated the movement of light and shadow through the box as the sun set.

Read about LIGHT LINES in the Charleston City Paper, Charleston's Art Mag, and the Post and Courier.


ABYSS debuted in August of 2018 at Woolfe Street Playhouse. Woolfe Street’s space is intimate and raw, dark and deconstructed. As a reflection of the location, and as a contrast to the bright white of LIGHT LINES, ABYSS began with a larger-than-life, captivating cloaked figure who eventually revealed herself to be hiding the company of dancers who would compel audiences through a technically demanding and dramatic performance.

It Never Changes To Stop, by Unbound Collective, was a collaboration with local choreographers Starla Kurtz, Sara Cart Sumner, Caitlin McCormack Phibbs, and founder Crystal Wellman. In partnership with Tradesman Brewing Company, Unbound Collective presented a contemporary ballet exploring the different phases of life through movement.